Thursday, November 1, 2012

So long October!!!!

The last phone dump of the month for October. A concert, a road trip to Spokane and Halloween!!
 Robin getting ready to head out Trick or Treating in the Thompson hood.
 Robin and Yoda. Fin was cute trying to rally Josie at one point when she was trying to take a break on the grass in between houses. "come on Josie!!"
 The Dahlbergs and The Thompsons!
 Road tripping topless!!! She had to take off her shirt just like her big bro.
 Bad pic of the gals at the Jimmy Buffet concert.
 Parrot heads know how to party!!!
 A good little road tripper. She was a great sport.
 And my big guy. Excited to get there and see Grandma and Grandpa.
 A break from the Hospital a the Silver Lake Mall. Doesn't take much to make them happy.
 Almost home. Sleepy girl.
 Pretending to sleep :)
 Making monster mouth snacks for his school party. We did 30 "mouths" and he did all the marshmallows in every last one! Took a lot of patience from mom.
 The spooky breakfast crew at school.
 A few of the dinosaur class dressed up. I love wonderwoman :)
 My batman and robin
Keaton and his pals Duncan and Malcom

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