Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This last weekend we had a quick trip up to Spokane for a visit. We stayed at my parents house and it was the first time my mom got to see me in person with my baby belly. It didn't take long for her to bond with her newest grandchild. We brought up our wii and introduced them to wii bowling. I think they might be getting one of their own pretty soon. They both made it to pro status before the end of the weekend. We got a personal tour of the Post Falls Cabela's store where my mom works and also got to enjoy the family discount....thanks Mom!! Of course we had to head to Hudson's for some famous Hud burgers. Between the 2 (or 3 of us) of us...Mike and I had 5 burgers. That is a new record for us. Here is a great article about the establishment in Sunset Magazine for those that haven't been there. http://www.sunset.com/sunset/travel/northwest/article/0,20633,1665924,00.html

We were able to catch up with Mike's college friends Kennet and Betsy Bertelsen and their new daughter Elsa. She's such a cute little gal!! I was much better behaved this time than the last time we caught up with them in Spokane...no need to sleep in their spare bed and and have Betsy wash my clothes this time :)

We also caught a clumsy lovers concert with my Spokane gals and Brandie and Dave. Thanks everyone for the good times.

And of course...what's a trip to Spokane with out a little NASCAR racing? Sunday we headed to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Jodi's for the Daytona 500, some kick ass chili, good times with family and of course a little more wii action!!

It was great seeing everyone. Thanks for the good times and we hope to see you when we are back up there in March.

1 comment:

The Bertelsen Bunch said...

We enjoyed seeing the pictures from Azteca! Sounds like the rest of your weekend in Spokane was great. Watch out, Kennet is going to try and scam a way to get to know your mom and her Cabela's discount! Betsy