Tuesday, February 24, 2009

9 months old

I can't believe our little guy is 9 months old already. Man how time flies!!  He can clap now and has this funny smile where he scrunches his nose. So cute :)

9 month check up
Weight: 20 lbs 7 oz 55th percentile
Height: 29 1/4 inches 75th percentile
Head: 46.2 cm 80th percentile

Trip to Spokane/Post Falls

Eating at Grandma and Grandpas
Reading the paper with Grandpa
Keaton and Grandma
Playing on Grandma's keyboard
Waking up Grandma
Keaton and Elsa have the same hairdresser

We were able to catch up with the Bertelsens for brunch on Sunday.  It was a quick visit, but great to see them and see how big Elsa is getting!

The guys and the kiddos.
Betsy and the kids. Ready for number two?!

On our way home we had a very quick stop over in Portland. My brother Casey and our niece Maud were able to come out for the airport for a quick lunch. This was Keaton's first time meeting his cousin Maud. He can't wait for their next visit.
Maud with the Dahlbergs
My brother and I with our kids.
Keaton and his cousin Maud.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sick little boy

Keaton had a fever all weekend. I think he was fighting off one of the many bugs going around. He seems to be better this morning. I sure hope he kicked it. Here are some photos of him hanging around Nana and Papa's yesterday. As you can see he just didn't seem himself yesterday....wouldn't even give a smile for the camera.

Monday, February 9, 2009


here are a series of videos from swimming lessons


This is a little old too...but had to share his laugh.

Bath time

This video is a few weeks old but I had to post it to show how much he loves taking a bath. Yes, he has a pink bath tub :)


Ok....so I am going to post a bunch of videos...but it's because I swear he started doing so much in this past week! He is now officially crawling and pulling himself to his knees (trying to stand). It all happens so fast!!

Waving goodbye!

Just last week Keaton officially started waving goodbye! Here is a sample :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Then and Now

Danielle and I thought it would be fun to try and recreate some photos from our youth.  This is our first attempt and although the poses aren't exactly the same they're pretty close.  That's my Mom (you can see her 20-something smiling face in the mirror) and me in the photo on the bottom and obviously Keaton and his Mom in the top photo.  Keaton looks a little like me eh?

More Dahlberg family photo recreations to come.

First Swimming Lessons

Learning to feed himself....